Counselor's Corner: How Not to Stop When Life Gets Rough

Life can be hard sometimes, and there are those times that life can throw us devastating blows. I know how easy it is to want to quit and pull the covers over my head when life gets rough-I have done this more than I would have liked to. There were times in my life that I got hit so hard by a difficult circumstance that I just stopped-stopped caring, stopped taking care of myself, stopped being productive, stopped enjoying life. I can say from doing this, it does not help but makes any discouragement or depression you may feel worse.
How Not To Stop
Sulking in self-pity never makes anything better, but we feel that somehow feeling sorry for ourselves makes us feel better. There is a time and a place to deal with painful emotions and circumstances, but then there is a time to move forward.
The following list is some tips for how not to stop when life gets rough:
Give your body needed time to rest. If you are dealing with painful or stressful situations your body will use more energy. Sleep in an extra 30 minutes or take a longer break during the day.
Cut back on all non-essentials. If you don’t need to do it, then don’t! Take a walk in the morning or the afternoon, or even both as a way to declutter your mind and to destress.
Change your perspective. Not every day will be rough. We all have good days and not-so-good days. Focus on the good days that will come again.
Focus on what you can control. So much of what happens to us is out of our control, but the one thing we do have control over in any given circumstance is our attitude. If you can’t change a situation, why worry about it?
Change your focus to what is good, lovely, praiseworthy, and a good report. It is not helpful to keep focused on what is bothering you continually. Set aside a designated day each day to deal with what is concerning you, and then do your best to stay focused on what is good.
Start a gratitude journal as a way to implement tip #6.
Practice acceptance. Much suffering can be greatly reduced by coming to terms with our lives and accepting what is. If you can do something to change your circumstance, then do so, but if you can’t; then accept what you are not able to change.
Rough times happen to all of us, you are not alone in this. If life gets too overwhelming, take it one day at a time and do what you can do just for that day. You just have to remember how not to stop.
Stephanie R. Reck, LMSW, LBT, BCCC
Founder of Hope Ministry
[email protected]
Hope Ministry, @2021
Author of, “Disciplining Your Mind 30 Days to a Better You!”