Everyone can relate to feelings of anxiety, but few of us are actively doing anything to release our anxiety. This list will help you learn how you can easily do things to help you avoid anxiety and incorporate these strategies into your everyday routines.

These Simple Activities May Help You Feel More Relaxed:


  1. Confront The Issues in Your Life That Create Stress. If it’s a car that’s always breaking down, an unreliable co-worker, a job you can’t stand, or a leaky faucet. Stress is compounds. All of those little things add up!!


  2. Eat Healthy. Eating healthy means eating real foods. Processed foods have a variety of ingredients and other chemicals that affect us adversely. A better diet can make a huge difference in the way you feel.


  3. Take a Walk.  A short walk can be a great way to release extra energy, stop circular thinking and reset your day.


  4. Exercise. Daily exercise can be a hard habit to instill but isn’t impossible either. This is a great way of managing anxiety without medication. A good anti-anxiety workout will leave you feeling like you put some work in but won’t exhaust you. How you get this exercise is entirely up to you.


  5. Focus on the Here and Now. Being mindful of where you are and what you are doing can make an enormous difference in how you feel. When you are inside your head it is easier to become and stay anxious. Focusing on what is in your environment right NOW is one way to experience something real, rather than be drown by your thoughts.


  6. Notice how your body feels. Instead of focusing on how anxious you are, notice the feelings you have in your body. How is your heart beating? Are your hands sweaty? Is your stomach nauseous?


  7. Breathe In, Breathe Out. Take a few deep, relaxed breaths. Breathing in a slow and controlled way will curb in your anxiety symptoms. You can actually slow your heart rate and will feel better overall. Focus on the sensation of air moving in and out of your body, too.


  8. Get More Sleep. Everyone feels off when they don’t get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep on a regular basis is important to every bit of your physical and mental health. Your body and brain cannot function optimally if they don’t get the sleep it needs.


  9. Eat breakfast. There are some research studies that show that a substantial breakfast with high protein and fat reduces the level of anxiety experienced throughout the day. If you’re one of those people that skips breakfast, it might be making your anxiety worse.


  10. Talk to someone supportive. A supportive friend is a true blessing. Knowing that you are not alone can greatly reduce the anxiety you feel.

 Pretend you’re a scientist and investigate all of the physical sensations you’re experiencing. Stick with them until they fade away. It happens faster than you think!

  If your anxiety makes it hard to live day to day, see your doctor. If your anxiety is manageable, but making you unhappy, there are plenty of things you can try to bring your anxiety down to a more reasonable level.


Some people find, with the help of their doctor, that medicine is needed to effectively deal with anxiety. But there are many other ways of dealing with anxiety that are useful for many people.


Try some of these ideas. You may find a technique, routine, or activity that works, without the cost and potential side-effects of a pill. You might find a new way to release your anxiety and find better Moodze.


  • This article is part of the Moodze curated library. All pieces are selected and edited with the goal of providing psychoeducation that actually helps readers get to know their emotions and live a happier life.

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