6 Ways to Work Through Anger in The Home

 Instead of using judgmental thoughts and words, choose to calm down and be solution focused in ways that take everyone’s needs into account.

We all feel angry once in a while, it is just part of being human. Fortunately, there are techniques we can all use to help maintain control, so maybe we can use these feelings help improve our relationships and become happier for it.

If we can teach ourselves to limit the amount of time we spend filled with rage and anger, we can communicate more effectively and are better suited to fix our problems. As our ability to manage stress improves, our success is soon to follow.

 When we are happy, as opposed to angry, we are healthier. We all know that high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks are all corelated to anger. When we find those feelings of aggravation growing, there are things we can do to keep from getting frustrated and saying or doing something we will regret later. However, with that said, anger needs to be expressed when it’s appropriate to do so. It is important for us to be able to identify when anger is justified and when it’s unnecessary.

6 Actions to Help Reduce and Manage Anger at Home:


  1. Step Away for a while before you discuss things with someone who upset you.
  2. Be Open about what you expect from everyone, including yourself, to reduce conflict.
  3. Take Deep Breaths slowly until you settle down and before you say anything at all.
  4. Think about the things you love about a person, instead of what makes you angry.
  5. Talk things over with the person you are mad at, try not to tell them what they should do.
  6. Be sensitive to others! Be aware that each person has a different set of experiences and feelings.

It is important for us to identify when anger is justified and when it's unnecessary.

Anger Destroys Families

 In some families, the anger people feel leads to yelling, unfruitful arguing, and an erosion of the relationships within that family. You don’t have to make this mistake. Instead of using judgmental thoughts and words, choose to calm down and be solution focused in ways that take everyone’s needs into account.

 Include your family in decision-making. Make sure that each person’s thoughts and feelings are considered when decision making. What are the feelings of everyone in your family?  Seek to meet each other’s needs as well as your own. When you do, your family will be happier and closer, and you’ll experience less anger and more peace in your home!

Replace Anger with Peace

Being peaceful can be difficult at first, but the hard work pays off. Anger is often a natural response to stress, simply because we’ve been responding that way for so long. The people who we live with may expect us to get angry, too, and they may respond to our actions in ways that seem to trigger our anger.

Change is a process that takes some time and is a process that continues for a lifetime. We may feel like giving up, but when we continue to work the reward is a peaceful mindset. Challenges are a part of all our lives, but we can deal with them in an effective and productive manner when we tackle them from a position of peace and compassion.

There are several ways to avoid destructive anger at home. Practice these ideas and think of your own. The important thing to remember is that learning to remain peaceful is a process that takes time. Be patient with yourself and enjoy the process as you begin to adopt new patterns of thinking and behavior that support your family’s well-being.


  • This article is part of the Moodze curated library. All pieces are selected and edited with the goal of providing psychoeducation that actually helps readers get to know their emotions and live a happier life.

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